package driver
import (
// MyDriver is a custom database driver, which is used for testing only.
// For simplifying the unit testing case purpose, MyDriver struct inherits the mysql driver
// gdb.Driver and overwrites its functions DoQuery and DoExec.
// So if there's any sql execution, it goes through MyDriver.DoQuery/MyDriver.DoExec firstly
// and then gdb.Driver.DoQuery/gdb.Driver.DoExec.
// You can call it sql "HOOK" or "HiJack" as your will.
type MyDriver struct {
var (
// customDriverName is my driver name, which is used for registering.
customDriverName = "MyDriver"
func init() {
// It here registers my custom driver in package initialization function "init".
// You can later use this type in the database configuration.
if err := gdb.Register(customDriverName, &MyDriver{}); err != nil {
// New creates and returns a database object for mysql.
// It implements the interface of gdb.Driver for extra database driver installation.
func (d *MyDriver) New(core *gdb.Core, node *gdb.ConfigNode) (gdb.DB, error) {
return &MyDriver{
Core: core,
}, nil
// DoCommit commits current sql and arguments to underlying sql driver.
func (d *MyDriver) DoCommit(ctx context.Context, in gdb.DoCommitInput) (out gdb.DoCommitOutput, err error) {
tsMilliStart := gtime.TimestampMilli()
out, err = d.Core.DoCommit(ctx, in)
tsMilliFinished := gtime.TimestampMilli()
_, _ = in.Link.ExecContext(ctx,
"INSERT INTO `monitor`(`sql`,`cost`,`time`,`error`) VALUES(?,?,?,?)",
gdb.FormatSqlWithArgs(in.Sql, in.Args),