$ gf
env show current Golang environment variables
get install or update GF to system in default...
gen automatically generate go files for ORM models...
mod extra features for go modules...
run running go codes with hot-compiled-like feature...
init initialize an empty GF project at current working directory...
help show more information about a specified command
pack packing any file/directory to a resource file, or a go file...
build cross-building go project for lots of platforms...
docker create a docker image for current GF project...
swagger swagger feature for current project...
update update current gf binary to latest one (might need root/admin permission)
install install gf binary to system (might need root/admin permission)
version show current binary version info
-y all yes for all command without prompt ask
-?,-h show this help or detail for specified command
-v,-i show version information
Use 'gf help COMMAND' or 'gf COMMAND -h' for detail about a command, which has '...'
in the tail of their comments.